Top Benefits of a Wastewater Treatment System to a Commercial Farm

If you are a commercial farmer, your property may produce a lot of waste. Notably, the waste can come from your household as well as animal pens. Instead of letting all the waste flow to a municipal drainage system, you should think about installing a domestic wastewater treatment system on your farm. A basic treatment plant may be pricey in the short term, but it is a worthwhile investment for any farmer in the long run. Here is why.

Minimal Odour Emissions — Odours are a significant issue for most farmers, particularly if animals are housed in adjacent pens and sheds. Their excrement is directed to a septic tank that settles, awaiting collection and conversion to manure or biogas. To rid your farm of foul odours, it is advisable to install a wastewater treatment plant. A treatment plant will include processes that prevent biological reactions from producing foul smells from a waste mixture. Thus, you do not have to worry about a foul odour with a modern wastewater treatment system. Most importantly, you can enjoy the outdoors comfortably as you attend to farm responsibilities, and the air you breathe will be fresh and clean.

Adequate Water Supply — Farms use a lot of water on animals and crops, and it can be costly and challenging to rely on municipal water. It is the reason most farmers install water harvesting systems, such as rainwater tanks and gutter systems. Others dig a borehole to access underground aquifers. You can add to your water supply by installing a water treatment system on your farm. Additionally, a wastewater treatment system prevents contamination of other water sources since it eliminates all contaminants before releasing the wastewater. Thus, you will have a greatly reduced need for municipal water, which goes a long way in keeping farm overheads low.

Control Soil pH — Most farmers struggle with soil fertility after years of using commercial-grade fertilizers. Since acidic soil produces low-yield crops, farmers must apply agricultural lime to increase the soil pH. Sadly, aglime costs money, and you need enough bags to meet soil alkalinity needs. However, a wastewater treatment plant can help you control soil pH at zero cost. The reason is that animal urine and stool are mixed with water in a wastewater treatment system to produce irrigation water full of minerals. Using the water on a farm prevents the loss of valuable nutrients, eliminating the need for liming agents.

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Next Gen Septic Services and Other Septic Blogs

Who am I? Am I a superhero? A plumber? A professional in the septic services industry? No, I'm just a regular person with a computer who loves to write. In particular, I love to share tips to make people's lives easier. I got tired of just posting things on Facebook where only my friends could see them so I decided to start a blog in hopes that my tips will reach more people. Welcome, my name is Monica. After buying a home that was not connected to a municipal sewer system, I learnt a lot about septic services. I know that other consumers will benefit from this info so I am going to write about it. I hope that you find the answers to your questions and concerns here. Thank you fore reading.